Class of 2021
BS Computer Science

Aspiration Statement

I am aspiring to pursue a postgraduate degree in computer graphics and work towards computer graphics and frontend development. Furthermore, I have a deep interest in UI/UX design.


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Omicron - Director Registrations
  • HUMUN III - Director Security

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Faisal Khan & Company - Web Development Intern
  • Faisal Khan LLC - Web Development Intern
  • Playground: Centre For Transdisciplinary, Design & Innovation - Event Manager
  • Habib University - Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Condos Toronto VIP - Web Developer

Final Year Project

Project Title

Mesh Murammat - A Novel Approach to Tackle corner cases in Hole Filling of 3D Meshes


A cloud-based application developed using Node.JS, HTML and CSS, which can process and visualize 3D objects (or meshes) while taking several unconventional cases into consideration. While scanning 3D objects using laser scanners, there is a high chance that the 3D object file obtained digitally would have holes or other issues in them which does not represent the object properly. Detection and filling of these holes, along with other anomalies that may arise in the 3D object files, is the main focus of our project. Its primary aim is to allow users to visualize and rectify their 3D mesh files without putting strain on their computer resources and save a lot of time. We are also taking corner cases into consideration and including them in our application which is often overlooked in conventional mesh processing applications.